Kibana Dashboard

Joviano Dias
2 min readJun 10, 2019


So, we want a monitor running on a TV screen/ monitor which would display a KIBANA dashboard with HTTP errors and also ERROR logs. Let’s get started!

End Goal: KIBANA dashboard for HTTP Requests and Errors

So how do we build this? — We do this in 4 steps!

Define and save the search that would be needed for this dashboard

Things to include in the search:

  1. Application name
  2. Application environment
  3. Application ERROR logs
  4. Application HTTP request logs of type 4xx,5xx

Things to exclude in the search query:

  1. Other applications
  2. Environments we do not need monitoring on
  3. Application INFO, WARN logs, unless we want them
  4. Application HTTP 1xx, 2xx, 3xx logs, unless if we want these

Useful reference:

Build a query to cover your HTTP 4xx 5xx responses and other non HTTP errors

Build a bucketed bar chart visualisation

I’ve chosen the vertical bars here, but possibly anything suitable will work. This will help us visualise the data by breaking it up over time into different colour coded bars

Build a visualisation based on the saved search (vertical bars)

Build a visualisation metric counter

This is of the type ‘Metric’ and is a counter for the number of log entries. This is particularly useful for a quick eye scan reading of the dashboard from afar.

Voila! Build the dashboard

Add the three components together — the counter, the graph and the saved search!

You can now go on to customise this by adding the dark theme, full screen and setting up an auto refresh. Then, display it on a fancy monitor / TV setup!



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